A look into how dfdx compiles & uses cuda kernels


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GPU Acceleration with CUDA was recently added into dfdx. In this post I’ll dive into:

  1. Each step of the CUDA pipeline, from compiling cuda kernels to how launching them works
  2. How generics are handled across FFI
  3. How all of this is tested in a scalable way

What is a CUDA kernel?

Basically: a function. Behind the scenes it is executed on massively parallel GPUs that are organized into thousands of groups of threads. Here’s what a simple cuda kernel looks like in code:

extern "C" __global__ void sin_kernel(
    const size_t num_elements,
    const float *inp,
    float *out
) {
    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < num_elements) {
        out[i] = sinf(inp[i]);

The extern "C" is necessary to interact with this function across FFI, and the __global__ is a CUDA specific thing that indicates it is a kernel.

That’s all the introduction I’ll give for now, as the rest of this post just focuses on how to interact with these from rust. The details of writing kernels is for another time.

How to call kernels from rust

Most of the CUDA examples you’ll see will invoke these kernels directly in c++, often with these crazy bracket symbols:

sin_kernel<<<12, 34>>>(12, ...)

But since we are using rust, we can’t do that. Instead we’ll go through nvidia’s CUDA toolkit api. There’s a couple parts to this:

  1. Compile a cu file to a PTX file
  2. Load a PTX file with cuModuleLoadData
  3. Retrieve a function from the module with cuModuleGetFunction
  4. Invoking the function with cuLaunchKernel.

cudarc makes these relatively straightforward, and has safe wrappers for all the above. So really the only part to figure out is how to compile the PTX files.

Compiling CUDA Kernels

There are two methods for compiling .cu files to .ptx files:

  1. Use nvcc, which is nvidia’s cuda compiler
  2. Use nvrtc, which is nvidia’s runtime compiler

dfdx actually uses both methods in the codebase in different situations. Let’s dive into them!

At compile time with nvcc

There are two problems to solve here:

  1. How do we invoke nvidia’s kernel compiler nvcc at compile time?
  2. How do we gain access to the output in the source code?

Running nvcc in a build script

The answer to both of these is a build script (build.rs)! It turns out to be quite simple actually; dfdx’s build.rs file does the following:

  1. Glob for all *.cu files in the dfdx repo.

     let kernel_paths: Vec<std::path::PathBuf> = glob::glob("src/**/*.cu")
         .map(|p| p.unwrap())
  2. Invokes nvidia’s kernel compiler nvcc on each individual cu file using std::process.

    1. These are saved into the $OUT_DIR directory, which is a special build.rs environment variable.
    2. The saved file’s extension will be .ptx (important for later).

That’s it for compiling ptx files - build.rs makes it really easy to invoke nvcc at compile time.

Inserting file contents into rust source code

As far as using the resulting PTX file, you’ll find this snippet all around the dfdx cuda kernels:

const PTX_SRC: &str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/conv2d.ptx"));

Each piece of this is important, so starting from the inner most out:

  1. env!(…) “Inspects an environment variable at compile time.”, meaning it will have the same value of $OUT_DIR that was used in build.rs
  2. concat!(…) concatenates two string literals. So the result of this is "$OUT_DIR/conv2d.ptx" in this case. a. Since we know the saved file is just the name of the .cu file replaced with .ptx, we know this will exist.
  3. include_str!(…) includes the contents of a file at compile time. This means we are embedding the compiled .ptx file into our rust source code!

Finally we can use CudaDevice::load_ptx() to invoke cuModuleLoadData:

let ptx: cudarc::nvrtc::Ptx = PTX_SRC.into();
self.dev.load_ptx(ptx, Self::MOD, Self::FNS)?;

Now that the kernel’s PTX is loaded into the device, we can call into it. But first a detour on JIT compilation.

JIT compiling at run-time with nvrtc

We can also JIT compile kernels at runtime. This path is actually much simpler code wise, since it doesn’t need the build script. It also trades off faster compilation for requiring extra time at runtime to compile the kernels.

To show off why you might go with this path instead of nvcc, I’ll use a specific kernel as an example. This kernel is the equivalent of the as keyword in rust: it converts between types! Notably, it has to support every pair of types that we might want to run with. This is super cumbersome if we go with nvcc due to generics as I’ll get into later.

nvrtc is powerful, because we can have “pseudo” generic kernels that we compile for each type we need at runtime.

Here’s the source code for the kernel as a rust global const. Note the types of the input:

const AS_KERNEL: &str = "
extern \"C\" __global__ void as_kernel(const size_t n, const $Src *inp, $Dst *out) {
    unsigned int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    if (i < n) {
        out[i] = inp[i];

At runtime, we can dynamically create and load the module into Cuda like so, where E1 is the source’s type, and E2 is the destination type.

let module_name = std::format!("convert_{}_to_{}", E1::NAME, E2::NAME);
if !dev.has_func(&module_name, "as_kernel") {
    let src = AS_KERNEL.replace("$Src", E1::NAME).replace("$Dst", E2::NAME);
    let ptx: cudarc::nvrtc::Ptx = cudarc::nvrtc::compile_ptx(src).unwrap();
    dev.load_ptx(ptx, &module_name, &["as_kernel"])?;

A number of things are going on here:

  1. We only compile it if the device doesn’t already have the module loaded
  2. The types are determined at runtime & pasted into the kernel’s source
  3. We use cudarc::nvrtc::compile_ptx to turn this into a Ptx object.
  4. We load it into cuda with .load_ptx

Launching cuda kernels

Now that we know how to compile & load a PTX file into a cuda device, we can actually submit this kernel to the GPU.

  1. Retrieve the already loaded function with CudaDevice::get_func()
     let as_kernel: CudaFunction = dev.get_func(&module_name, "as_kernel").unwrap();
  2. Allocate space for output
     let n: usize = inp.data.len();
     let mut out: CudaSlice<E2> = dev.alloc_zeros::<E2>(n) }?;
  3. Configure the grid/block dimensions for cuda (the equivalent of the <<<...>>> in c++) & the arguments for the kernel
     let cfg = LaunchConfig::for_num_elems(n as u32);
     let args = (
         n,                 // `usize` <=> `const size_t n`
         inp.data.as_ref(), // `&CudaSlice<E1>` <=> `const E1 *inp`
         &mut out           // `&mut CudaSlice<E2>` <=> `E2 * out`
  4. Launch it with LaunchAsync::launch()
     unsafe { as_kernel.launch(cfg, args) }?;

Handling generics across FFI

dfdx heavily uses generics everywhere, including the kernels. c++ also has generics via templates. Should be easy to use on both sides (rust and c++) right? Nope! Since we are using FFI, all the kernel methods need to be annotated with extern "C". You actually cannot use extern "C" together with templates!

To be clear, you can write the following kernel, but the name of this function will be mangled because of the template, which means you won’t be able to use it with ffi:

template<typename T>
__global__ void kernel(const T *inp, T *out, int numel) { ... }

There are two ways to handle this:

  1. Add an extern "C" kernel that calls into a generic kernel for each data type you need. This works pretty well for majority of cases, but is very cumbersome.
     template<typename T>
     __device__ void kernel(const T *inp, T *out, int numel) { ... }
     extern "C" __global__ void kernel_f32(const float *inp, float *out, int numel) { kernel(inp, out, numel) }
     extern "C" __global__ void kernel_f64(const double *inp, double *out, int numel) { kernel(inp, out, numel) }
  2. JIT compile a kernel with the types inserted in at runtime, which is what we did with the as kernel above.

Those two options have been sufficient so far, but I’m sure it will evolve more as we add more dtypes like f16.


So how do we test all this? dfdx already had extensive unit testing on all tensor operations, but this essentially doubled the amount of code to cover for each operation (because we have kernels for both Cpu and Cuda). Luckily nothing stops us from writing our unit tests as generic!

dfdx has a special type alias called TestDevice that can be configured with feature flags:

mod tests {
    #[cfg(not(feature = "cuda"))]
    pub type TestDevice = crate::tensor::Cpu;
    #[cfg(feature = "cuda")]
    pub type TestDevice = crate::tensor::Cuda;

As long as the unit tests are written using this TestDevice type, we can easily switch between what type of kernel we are testing. This is super useful because it forces all the unit tests to be written in a generic way, which is much closer to how I expect users to write code as well.

Here’s an example of testing the x^2 operation:

fn test_square() {
    let dev: TestDevice = Default::default();
    let x: Tensor<_, TestDtype, _> = dev.tensor([-2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0]);
    let r = x.leaky_trace().square();
    assert_eq!(r.array(), [4.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 4.0]);
    let gradients = r.mean().backward();
    assert_eq!(gradients.get(&x).array(), [-0.8, -0.4, 0.0, 0.4, 0.8]);

You also might notice a TestDtype type which can be used to test f64 instead of f32.


A big thanks to all my sponsors, including: @jackvial, @TimerErTim, @paholg, @scooter, @zeroows, @iExalt, @quietlychris, @skinner, @Michael P, @Alex R., @rahul-tuli.